Below is a select list of publications focusing on peer-reviewed articles, books, and book chapters. My full CV (available here, updated in fall 2024) includes a more thorough list of my published and presented work.
Academic Articles
- Anthias, P., & Asher, K. (online). Indigenous Natures and the Anthropocene: Racial Capitalism, Violent Materialities, and the Colonial Politics of Representation.
- Anthias, P. (2023). Countertopographies and the futures of geographical thought. Dialogues in Human Geography.
- Anthias, P. (2022). The Pluri-Extractivist State: Regional Autonomy and the Limits of Indigenous Participation in Gran Chaco Province. Journal of Latin American Studies, 54(1), 125-154.
- Anthias, P., & Hoffmann, K. (2021). The making of ethnic territories: Governmentality and counter-conducts. Geoforum, 119, 218-226.
- Anthias, P. (2021). Rethinking territory and property in indigenous land claims. Geoforum, 119, 268-278.
- Correia, J. E., McEwan, C., Bryan, J., & Anthias, P. (2019). Book Review: Limits to Decolonization: Indigeneity, Territory, and Hydrocarbon Politics in the Bolivian Chaco. Human Geography, 12(3), 57-58.
- Anthias, P. (2019). Ambivalent cartographies: Exploring the legacies of indigenous land titling through participatory mapping. Critique of Anthropology, 39(2), 222-242.
- Anthias, P. (2018). Indigenous Peoples and the New Extraction: From Territorial Rights to Hydrocarbon Citizenship in the Bolivian Chaco. Latin American Perspectives, 45(5), 136-153.
- Anthias, P. (2017). Ch’ixi landscapes: Indigeneity and capitalism in the Bolivian Chaco. Geoforum, 82, 268-275.
- Anthias, P., & Radcliffe, S. A. (2015). The ethno-environmental fix and its limits: Indigenous land titling and the production of not-quite-neoliberal natures in Bolivia. Geoforum, 64.
More information about Limits to Decolonization and Neoextractivism and Territorial Disputes in Latin America can be found on my books page.
Authored Books
- Anthias, P. (2022). Límites a la descolonización: Territorios indígenas y política de hidrocarburos en el Chaco boliviano (Translation by Hernando Calla Ortega). Plural Editores (La Paz).
- Anthias, P. (2018). Limits to Decolonization: Indigeneity, Territory, and Hydrocarbon Politics in the Bolivian Chaco. Cornell University Press.
Edited Book
- Anthias, P., & López Flores, P. C. (2023). Neoextractivism and Territorial Disputes in Latin America: Social-Ecological Conflict and Resistance on the Front Lines. Routledge.
Chapters in a Book
- Anthias, P. (in press). Mapping the subaltern. In A. J. Kent, & D. Specht (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Geospatial Technologies and Society. Routledge.
- Anthias, P. and López Flores, Pabel C. (2023). “Introduction” to Neoextractivism and Territorial Disputes in Latin America. London: Routledge.
- Anthias, P. (2012). Territorializing Resource Conflicts in “Post-Neoliberal” Bolivia: Hydrocarbon Development and Indigenous Land Titling in TCO Itika Guasu. In H. Haarstad (Ed.), New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance (129-153).
- Anthias, P. (2012). Regulación ambiental de los hidrocarburos en el Campo Margarita, Tarija. In P. Peralta, & P. Hollenstein (Eds.), Jamás Tan Cerca Arremetió lo Lejos: Inversiones Extraterritoriales, Crisis Ambiental, y Acción Colectiva en América Latina (51-88). Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar.