Penelope Anthias

Penelope Anthias

Website for Penelope Anthias.


Use Priam theme (see Slack for link to download). We should be able to plug and play with little modification.

Website Structure

|-- home (one feature photo at top)
    |-- about (summary of Penelope's work)
    |-- updates (feature recent updates, link to updates page) / recent publications (feature recent publications, ~5, link to publications page)
    |-- films (feature one film, link to film page)
    |-- book (feature one book, link to publications page)
|-- my work    
    (description of Penelope's research and bio, simple text page, maybe 2-3 photos)
    |-- contact information
|-- publications (simple text page)
    |-- academic articles
    |-- books
    |-- public articles
|-- films
    |-- include two films both on youtube, add description
|-- news 
    (list of updates, announcements, and events by year and month)
|-- teaching 
    (do be determined)
|-- impact 
    (list of public events and media mentions, simple text page, possile images)
|-- teaching 
    (courses and syllabus, possible images)


I purchased and gave Riwaj manager access.

Current Websites

Faculty page: Her personal website (unfinished):